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  • Cocktails

    Rund um die Uhr sind Cocktails für viele Passagiere an der Tagesordnung.


    That`s all well and good but only, if a reasonable consideration in the matter and commission was performed!

  • Erlesene Weine

    Erlesene Weine und das richtige Ambiente mit Kerzenlicht und gutem Essen

    runden den Tag ab.

    Es ist alles schön und gut, aber nur, wenn eine vernünftige Gegenleistung

      in der Sache erbracht wurde.


  • Die Symphony of the Seas - Foto: Royal Caribbean International

    Eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt nach Metern, Volumen und Passagieren! 


    That`s all well and good but only, if a reasonable consideration in the matter and commission was performed!


  • Deliveries in Bulk from all over the World arrive fresh on the Table!


    Anlieferungen in Massen aus der ganzen Welt kommen frisch auf den Tisch!

    Es ist alles schön und gut, aber nur, wenn eine vernünftige Gegenleistung in der Sache erbracht wurde.

The World-Cultural-Heritage

Das Weltkulturerbe

Men's world

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the World of Men in the 21st Century

To all Readers


The German-language document you may find here!

Germany, Luebeck, 13 July 2024

As slick as a snake!

Dear Sirs, Dear Readers,

Unfortunately, the following lines are also necessary, because it seems that you and others who have been directly confronted with the matter, whether male or female, do not have the necessary respect or you simply cannot muster the necessary respect. Why might that be?

One thing is certain and my person can see this with her own eyes; you and others allow a woman to be visually ruined and even feel that you are in the right and even feel good about it! You feel better when a woman feels bad and that is a very big and sad weakness of a so-called man of today.

You behave more like slick smart alecks who want to get the best for themselves and their loved ones and you try to protect and hide yourselves by not being willing to inform my person about the clear facts of everyday life. With this advantageous thinking, you and others will lose everything that was important, because you are exclusively sponsoring the devil with your underhand and wait-and-see behaviour, which was and is directed against my person. Of course the wind will change every day, but it is unnatural for a man to go with the wind, because that has nothing in common with being a man!

Every woman who has remained reasonably normal naturally tries to find her man, but loses him again and again through such stupid pranks that can be attributed to children, but should not be attributed to a man. What is urgently needed here on God's earth are men who know what is the writing on the wall and who will know where the path is that promises a future.

You won't get off to a good start with jumping jacks, and that's for sure, at least not with my person. Nowadays, a normal woman can be happy if she can stay on her own and doesn't have to drag all the jumping jacks with her. That's why you and your kind urgently need a firm and strong hand to guide you and everyone else so that regain your`s feet! Because when you see how a man moves these days at public appearances, for example in the music scene, especially when he dances, then sometimes all you can think of is a slippery snake that can't decide whether it wants to "hit on" men or women or whether it wants to specifically appeal to both sexes. However, the swing and the lyrics of the German music scene and often the voices are simply great, but what is behind them are very often dubious appearances or figures who wish or want to gain a large audience by any means necessary.

That's terrible, quite simply terrible! Nevertheless, my person will have to "conquer" the cultures of the world with the help of these musical masters of the German hits, but if there are no men and women on the programme who can withstand the storms of time and will topple over with every gust of wind, then there is no need to even try! Quite apart from that, it has already become really questionable whether my person can even solve this mammoth task through the cultural journeys and thus fulfil the commission of the Lord and Creator, if you and others let act against the Empress, because my person is not to be trifled with for much longer!

Ursula Sabisch, Empress

HP: My person is not a supplicant and for this reason you and all others please finally ensure that the publicly demanded pocket money, which was linked to two basic conditions, is made available to my person by Deutsche Bank!