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  • Cocktails

    Rund um die Uhr sind Cocktails für viele Passagiere an der Tagesordnung.


    That`s all well and good but only, if a reasonable consideration in the matter and commission was performed!

  • Erlesene Weine

    Erlesene Weine und das richtige Ambiente mit Kerzenlicht und gutem Essen

    runden den Tag ab.

    Es ist alles schön und gut, aber nur, wenn eine vernünftige Gegenleistung

      in der Sache erbracht wurde.


  • Die Symphony of the Seas - Foto: Royal Caribbean International

    Eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt nach Metern, Volumen und Passagieren! 


    That`s all well and good but only, if a reasonable consideration in the matter and commission was performed!


  • Deliveries in Bulk from all over the World arrive fresh on the Table!


    Anlieferungen in Massen aus der ganzen Welt kommen frisch auf den Tisch!

    Es ist alles schön und gut, aber nur, wenn eine vernünftige Gegenleistung in der Sache erbracht wurde.

The World-Cultural-Heritage

Das Weltkulturerbe


                                                     -------- Forwarded message -------                                                         

Subject:     Application in the matter

Date:      Mon, 8 Nov 2021 19:26:27 +0100

From:       Ursula Sabisch <sat.empress@gmail.com       

To:       info@dreamlines.de

Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

DREAMLINES.de - Dreamlines GmbH

Hermannstrasse 9

20095 Hamburg

Luebeck, 8 November 2021


The German-language document you may find here!

Dear Mr. O. R. , Ladies and Gentlemen of Dreamlines GmbH,

As one of the largest international e-commerce companies, you offer your employees an opportunity in various areas to proactively use their strengths and contribute to the growth and success of Dreamlines.

Are you looking for highly competent employees in product management and business development who are active, open-minded and flexible? Then you should accept the challenge and get to know my person as a highly competent employee.

My person naturally brin​gs with her the will to create and to reshape!

In addition, my person speaks a plain language that every thinking person can understand, so that everyone quickly grasps what is going on. If you and many of your competitors want to like a "Keep it up!", you and other cruising companies should contact all insurance companies in good time to clarify who will bear the damage due to force majeure; it will probably be the respective shipping companies themselves.

Use the time that is still available to anticipate the correct and necessary business developments in the matter and order of our Creator, and to initiate them without delay. Should you as Cruising Dreamlines already have enough highly competent employees, especially in the field of IT and HR, then my person would be exactly right with you as an employee and cruise ship passenger to bridge the matter mentioned below!

A well-thought-out GPS strategy on the world's oceans, independent thinking and action as well as sufficient inventiveness my person may be taken for granted.* I would be happy to work in your company at the base on one of your cruise ships as a passenger with my possibilities, in order to be able to jointly counter the coming developments with something meaningful!

My travel plans are of course tied to my wallet, which should fill up in the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, my person expects that the high costs of all luxury liners worldwide will be recovered swiftly as ordered in the attached linked letter.

Fools Head Up (vadere.de)

Yours sincerely, Ursula Sabisch


HP: Due to the necessary flow of information, my person has to make this application public in one of the various trend-setting homepages, as it is not a private matter!

*Translation corrected on 09. Aug. 2024