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  • Cocktails

    Rund um die Uhr sind Cocktails für viele Passagiere an der Tagesordnung.


    That`s all well and good but only, if a reasonable consideration in the matter and commission was performed!

  • Erlesene Weine

    Erlesene Weine und das richtige Ambiente mit Kerzenlicht und gutem Essen

    runden den Tag ab.

    Es ist alles schön und gut, aber nur, wenn eine vernünftige Gegenleistung

      in der Sache erbracht wurde.


  • Die Symphony of the Seas - Foto: Royal Caribbean International

    Eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt nach Metern, Volumen und Passagieren! 


    That`s all well and good but only, if a reasonable consideration in the matter and commission was performed!


  • Deliveries in Bulk from all over the World arrive fresh on the Table!


    Anlieferungen in Massen aus der ganzen Welt kommen frisch auf den Tisch!

    Es ist alles schön und gut, aber nur, wenn eine vernünftige Gegenleistung in der Sache erbracht wurde.

The World-Cultural-Heritage

Das Weltkulturerbe

Competition of the Industrial Nations

Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the Field Staff

Of The Royal Danish Ambassadors


Luebeck, 07th of February, 2019


Free translation / The German language document see here, please.

Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Rules and Dear Readers,

Like always clearly recognizable, the world needs a rationally well-elaborated-planning as quickly as possible, which must be realisable for a possible and worth-living future.

Partially time and tide wait for no man and already runs independently in a highly technical direction, which will not be equally favorable, nevertheless, for all people.

Because there are different cultures and human races and it does not seem to be suitable for every human race for this direction, however, in the long term seen absolutely,  no human race belongs in this highly and expandable technically life, so that every person responsible first once should find oneself as quickly as possible, so the person is able to recognise oneself and the possibilities of one`s  native country to be able to distinguish these states with the possibilities of others!

Thus one is looking for the economic sphere of the given possibilities of his native country, which one can manage by his respective national economy very well, also to be able to offer maximum security for the people of other cultures, whose could freely move then in a technically quite advanced level only. The environment indicates the humanity all the consequences from this sophisticated life by the natural disasters, however, also the scourge for mankind, wherefore cancer unambiguously belongs to, will just increase steadily like the environmental disasters, if not is recognised on time that a plan from primeval times is given, in which the whole humanity must fit in seamlessly with the matter and commission as quickly as possible!

Nobody can know up to what extent the earth can be still exploited, without there will be quite a big collapse in the Earth's surface by presumably an earthquake, for what my person is waiting for a long time. My person already very long waits not only for the big collapse of the earth but also for the return and arrival of extraterrestrial life, which partially belongs in the human race, because apparently nobody seems to be able to let obey the conditions to which my pocket money and therefore the "Cudgel of an unique fairy tale" are attached. Therefore the arguments and the compulsion quite obviously are missing for the small boys, so that the small children conform to rules, finally!

Also for this reason the expandable world-business-plan of my person should be not necessarily published, but be handed over  to a trustworthy person by the still missing chancellor of my person  to our King Juergen and his field staff; nevertheless the plan is not finished yet or well-worked out completely in my mind, however, with certainty also for the most part could be compiled by competent people independently.

Please note: At the moment my person has no alternative but to enjoin you and others from being in direct competition with the Asians, which you as an European quite simply cannot win and the Earth cannot burden the exploitation of this competition definitely anymore, too! I do hope for your cooperation and comprehension in the matter and thus I remain

Yours sincerely

Ursula Sabisch, netsempress.net

HP: This document must be published for everybody else but in the matter for the thinkers of our time, since it effects every person in the world, whether voluntarily or involuntarily in the matter and commission, in which the whole lot and everybody was integrated by the beginning of the calendar!

27.06.2019 Document checked./ 09.11.2021.

Das Weltkulturerbe Ursula Sabisch . Am Ährenfeld 15 . 23564 Lübeck . Germany 

The World-Cultural-Heritage

E-Mail: info@ursula-vadere.de


Homepages roundup: www.orbit.cultural-shock.de